
辞書を引きながら読む今日の1曲:"Heroes and Villains" The Beach Boys

I've been in this town so long that back in the city I've been taken for lost and gone And unknown for a long long time Fell in love years ago With an innocent girl From the Spanish and Indian home Home of the heroes and villains Once at n…


「牛丼、何で出さへん」=売り切れ、吉野家店員に暴行−兵庫 限定復活の吉野家にワゴン車突っ込む、客7人けが 1日復活の翌日、そう言えば豚丼って喰ったこと無かったな、とあえて食べにいったけど、「げ〜、まじ〜」って感じ。たかが牛丼、されど牛丼だから…